Scientific advisory committee
formed in October 2020
Chair: Professor Ashley Woodcock OBE MD BSc MBChB FERS FFPM FMedSci FRCP
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, Professor of Respiratory Medicine, University of Manchester
Consultant Physician, Directorate of Respiratory Medicine, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester University Foundation Trust
Co-Chair, Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Montreal Protocol
Manchester University Foundation Trust Clinical Lead for Sustainability
Research Roles
Chairman: Asthma UK Early Life Task Force: 2002-2005
Founder: MRC STELAR collaboration of all UK infant asthma cohorts
Chairman: Trials Steering Committee: UK Cystic Fibrosis Gene Therapy Trial 2014-2016
Chief Investigator: Salford Lung Study of clinical effectiveness in asthma and COPD (GSK sponsored ~£60million inward investment into NW research infrastructure): 2011-2017
Board Member: Greater Manchester Lung Health Screening programme 2016
Commercial Activities
Chairman: Reacta Biotech (University of Manchester spinout in Food Allergy Diagnostics);
Chairman: Axalbion (Biotech developing novel cough treatments);
Chairman: Medicines Evaluation Unit (Clinical Trials Unit)
Charitable Work
NW Lung Centre Charity; Board Member: contributed £5million to lung research in last 10 years
Moulton Charity: Science Director; provided £47million in the last 10 years, for clinical trials designed to provide patient benefit within 2-3 years
Expert Member: Dr Charlotte Summers
University Lecturer in Intensive Care Medicine, Department of Medicine
Deputy Director of Clinical Academic Training
Director of Academic Clinical Fellow Programme
University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine
Dean, Fellow, and Director of Studies in Clinical Medicine,
Selwyn College, Cambridge
Charlotte graduated in both Biomedical Sciences and Medicine from the University of Southampton, and later undertook a PhD at the University of Cambridge investigating the role of inflammation on the pulmonary transit kinetics of human neutrophils, alongside specialist clinical training in Respiratory (East of England) and Intensive Care Medicine (London). She was subsequently appointed as the UK’s first NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Intensive Care Medicine, and went on to be awarded a Fulbright All-disciplines Scholar Award and a Wellcome Trust Fellowship for Postdoctoral Clinician Scientists. Charlotte joined the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine in 2015 from University of California, San Francisco.
Expert Member: Professor Clive Page
Professor of Pharmacology, King's College London
Director of the Sackler Institute of Pulmonary Pharmacology, King's College London
President Elect British Pharmacological Society
Clive Page is a Professor of Pharmacology, King’s College London and Director of the Sackler Institute of Pulmonary Pharmacology, King’s College London. Clive’s main research interests are in the pharmacology of inflammation and respiratory disease and he has published over 250 scientific papers. Clive was the co-founder and former Chairman of the Board of Verona Pharma plc, an AIM listed Company developing new drugs for the treatment of Respiratory Diseases. He is a Non Executive Director of Babraham Biotechnology Ltd, as well as being a Trustee of the Babraham Institute in Cambridge and the Fraunhofer Institute of Experimental Medicine and Toxicology in Hannover. He is a Non Executive Director on the Board of Immune Regulation Ltd, PreP Biopharma and Epiendo. Clive started his early career in the Pharmaceutical Industry at Sandoz Ltd, Basel, Switzerland and regularly consults to both the Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industry. Clive is a recent former Chairman of the Animal Science Group of the Society of Biology and has contributed widely to the public debate about the use of animals in Research. He was awarded the Society of Biology President’s Medal at its 2012 Annual General Meeting. The Medal is awarded annually to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the life sciences over the previous year. Clive was awarded an OBE for “Services to Pharmacology” in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list in 2017.
Expert Member: Professor Miles Carroll
Deputy Director, Head of Research, Public Health England
Salisbury, United Kingdom
Prior to his appointment as Deputy Director and Head of the Research and Development Institute, Miles was head of National Infections Service Research at PHE Porton. His current research portfolio includes: naturally acquired immunity to EBOV, understanding the host response to infection, development of emerging disease in vivo models & vaccines, and the application of molecular epidemiology to outbreaks. Miles gained his PhD on HIV vaccine research from the Medical Faculty at the University of Manchester which enabled him to obtain a fellowship to continue his studies on recombinant poxviruses at the National Institutes of Health, USA. On his return to the UK, Miles joined Oxford Biomedica (OBM) as Vice President of Immunotherapy. At OBM Miles invented the cancer vaccine candidate, TroVax and led the pre-clinical and Phase II development programme. Miles has authored >130 publications primarily in the fields of recombinant vaccines, host pathogen interactions and molecular epidemiology, and is the recipient of >15 granted patents. Miles is the PHE Lead for the Emerging & Zoonotic Infections Health Protection Research Unit and serves on several scientific advisory boards including the Animal and Plant Health Agency, Defence Science & Technology Laboratories and the WHO R&D Road Map for Priority Pathogens. Miles has a joint appointment within the Medical Science Faculty at the University of Oxford and is honorary Professor of Vaccinology at the University of Southampton.
Expert Member: Professor James Chalmers
Professor (Clinical) Molecular and Clinical Medicine
University of Dundee
Professor James D Chalmers is the British Lung Foundation Chair of Respiratory Medicine at the University of Dundee and a consultant physician at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, UK. His major interests are in difficult airways diseases, particularly COPD and bronchiectasis. He chaired the 2020 European Respiratory Society Guidelines on Withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids in COPD and the 2017 European bronchiectasis guidelines and chairs the European bronchiectasis registry. He is chief investigator for a number of multicentre and international trials in airways disease and has published more than 250 peer reviewed papers. Since 2017 he has been deputy chief editor of the European Respiratory Journal and holds a number of senior appointments in ERS, ATS and BTS.
Statistician: Professor Gareth Griffiths
Professor of Clinical Trials,
Director of the Southampton Clinical Trials Unit
Chair of the ACCORD Statistical Working Group
Co-lead of the AGILE Phase 1 platform
Professor Gareth Griffiths is Professor of Clinical Trials within Medicine at the University of Southampton and was appointed to the Chair of Clinical Trials and Director of the Southampton Clinical Trials Unit in July 2014. A qualified statistician, he has held the positions of senior statistician/scientific lead at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit, London, Director of the National Institute for Social Care and Health Research (NISCHR - Wales) Cancer Registered Research Group and Founding Director of the Wales Cancer Trials Unit in Cardiff before his current appointment at Southampton University. Southampton CTU is a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) support funded clinical trials unit.